Thursday, January 11, 2007

I'll take that as a no then

Ever since I signed my name on the e-petition to "Scrap the planned vehicle tracking and road pricing policy" I've been keeping an eye on it to see how it develops.

When I signed up both it and the hunting act stood at around 14000 signatures.

At the time of writing it stands at a wopping 272,301 signatures with the 2nd most popular petition (Still the hunting act) only increasing to 18,707.

Given that one of the other petitions on there is the national id card I would like to think that this sends a very strong message to Downing Street about how unpopular this proposal is. They'll probably ignore it though.

The only spin they could possibly put on this is that roughly 59,750,000 haven't signed it so this is still a minority.

But if you consider how militant the countryside alliance is (They fudged a radio 4 poll about acts you'd like to see repealed) then someone in Downing Street must realise that given the enormous difference in numbers between the two, opposition to this will be considerably worse if it is pursued.

Sign up if you haven't already, there's a little over a month left.


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