Saturday, May 19, 2007

Missed the point

I was watching the news this evening after the dull-as-dishwater cup final and saw a story about a government white paper to change planning laws.

There was an interview with a spokeswoman for the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) whinging about how it would make it easier to build on greenfield sites.

I think they've somewhat missed the point of the white paper. The idea is that it'll be easier to expand buildings in existing developed areas by putting up extensions/conservatories or converting lofts etc. It doesn't say anything about making it easier to build in undeveloped areas.

This would in fact result in more development in urban & sub-urban areas thus protecting rural England.

So I guess the question I'm trying to get at is:

Does the CPRE really exist to protect rural England or is it just a cloak for a bunch of NIMBYs that want to stop housing development wherever they can?

After all, THEIR house in the countryside sprung from the ground. And it wouldn't be as nice if you built a new house within view of it.

Personally I praise the government for trying to reduce unneccesary beaurocracy for once rather than introducing more.


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