Wednesday, July 19, 2006

For the record

The wife and I are off on holiday for the next week (Going to Germany) but before I go I just want to record my absolute disgust at the situation in Lebanon.

What the Israelis are doing (Destroying public infrastructure, killing innocent people) is known as collective punishment. This is illegal. You can't hold a nation responsible for a terrorist organisation that has infiltrated it.

What's more, they keep talking about the kidnapped soldiers as if this is a new thing. Even the father of one of them said that this has happened before and he doesn't understand why the IDF is using it as an 'excuse' to attack Lebanon. Even so, the Israeli military are ligitimate targets to a terrorist organisation. Israel has imprisoned thousands of Lebanese and Palestinian people over the years (including women and children) but that's ok.

And the thing that upsets me the most is that Israel has now started attacking the Lebanese military. They accuse them of colluding with the terrorists (which there is no evidence of) and they've already killed Lebanese soldiers who were clearly showing signs of aggression by being in their own barracks whilst it was being shelled.

Fortunately the Lebanese government seems to be a bit more savvy than the Israeli's and refuses to engage them - keeping the moral high ground.

My opinion (and just about everyone else that I've spoken to) - Israel is looking for an excuse to start a war. And then it can justify an invasion where it can do a land grab all over again.

Blair and co. should take their thumb out of their arse (and their tongue out of Dubya's) and stop the conflict. You may ask how - bombing the crap out of Israeli military installations would be a good start.

If a bunch of Israeli terrorists started firing home made rockets into Syria and it decided to attack Israel as a 'response' do you think Dubya would say:
"How Syria defends itself is it's business"

Bollocks would he!

Fuck Israel and fuck George Bush. The more this carries on, the worse things will get for our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan (and possibly the rest of us over here)

Auf Wiedersehen


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