Monday, January 29, 2007

Common Sense Prevails

According to Downing Street there will be no exemption from the gay rights laws for catholic adoption agencies.

I can't believe the whole debacle was actually given so much debate. Quite simply you cannot sidestep anti-discrimination laws. I don't care what your views or beliefs are, discrimination is a crime.

Adoption agencies are paid tax-payers money to find parents for children. Can you honestly imagine giving other government funded departments the freedom to pick and choose what duties apply to them because of their beliefs?

Sorry, I can't perform this operation on you because blood transfusions are against my religion.

Sorry, I can't arrest your husband for beating you as according to my religion you should be executed for commiting adultery.

Sorry sir, I can't go to war today because it's a Sunday.

The list goes on. The law should be above all else... including Downing Street!

Whilst talking about the law, I can't believe that a psychotic who put a bullet into the head of his aunt, uncle and two cousins isn't being tried for murder.

I don't understand how we can have a society where you can brutally murder 4 people and not be held accountable for it?

Yes he might be mentally ill but that doesn't alter the plain facts of what he has done.


At 11:09 am, Blogger Infoholic UK said...

I half agree with you.

One the one hand, I am very uncomfortable with special interest groups being able to opt out of legislation.

On the other, I am very nervous about other special interest groups having legislation written especially for them.

Okay, so in these enlightened times, discrimination against someone on the grounds of sexuality is probably overdue. But where do you stop ? Is it okay to discriminate against someone because they are ginger ? Or tall ? Or fat ? And now all of a sudden we are over the blurry line between physical characteristics and lifestyle choices.

Coming soon to a legislative body near you no doubt...

At 1:40 pm, Blogger Phill said...

I can see where you're coming from. I had the same fears with the hunting act. Although I didn't particularly care about whether the hunts (rhyming slang) were allowed to continue, I had a feeling that the League Against Cruel Sports would push for more legislation afterwards. And sure enough, they have.

The thing I found particularly annoying about the whole gay adoption row was the subliminal arguement that gay parents are peadophiles. Something I totally disagree with.

The other problem is how do you prove there is no discrimination?

In this case it was obvious as the Catholic adoption agencies were telling gay couples to go elsewhere but I'm sure there will be more dubious examples in the future.

I'd like to see an end to sexual discrimination in the armed forces. If a woman can order a man to his death then surely the same should be true in reverse?

At 7:32 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Catholic church don't want Gays adopting children because the men in black dresses want them for themselves, its their tradition.


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